Welcome To Health Care Diagnostic Centre

Best USG Center In Your City


Applications are invited for admission in "Eight Months Echocardiography Training Programme "for MAY 2025

The following is the eligibility criteria:

  • MBBS Medical Graduates with Exposure in Ultrasound.
  • Course fee :- Rs.84,600/- (to be deposited at the time of admission)
  • Classes will be held on Friday 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm. and 3: pm. - 5 : pm .
  • Total number of seats :- 6
  • Last date of application:- 30th April, 2025

"Health Care" was established in the year 1986 at 33/1 Northern Avenue, Kolkata-30.It started as a USG Training centre. Afterwards ECG training course was included in its activities. Dr Ajoy Kumar Roy, founder of the centre, visited USA in 1990.Among other things he found that imaging facilities are available for general patients in all clinics. This attitude of general practice impressed him. He brought a scanner 400 of Pie Data Co, Holland & installed at his centre. After obtaining requisite permissions from the Authorities in the State Government, USG aided imaging section was added at the Centre.Renouned professionals, like, Professor L.N.Dhar & Dr P.Mondal joined to run the section. Later on joining of Professor K.C.Bhowmick transformed the section to a complete shape.

Dr Roy again visited USA in 1992.It was a very successful tour. He was attached with Radiology & Imaging Department of St. Joseph Medical Centre, Michigan, and Detroit, which was affiliated to Michigan State University. On successful completion he received Post Graduate Fellowship on the subject. Back home he joined in clinical Ultrasonography at his centre.

Gradually he felt that training with management knowledge in Ultrasonography is one of the most important skills in the Health management Sector. Demand is not compatible with the availability of Sinologist. He planned to start a training course on USG with the aim to equip the students to meet the challenge. Necessary approval from the concerned authority was obtained. Infrastructural facilities at the centre were remodeled both in respect of equipments and man power.

Under the name of Health Care Ultrasound Scan Centret, the first batch of training was started in the year 2000 with three Medical Graduates. Now the Centre offers Post Graduate Training in Basic Ultrasonography and Advanced Training on USG of Small Parts, a unique educational programme focused on developing highly skilled professionals by integrating hands on technology.

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Health Care USG Training Centre is conducting basic USG Training Programme (Abdomen, Pelvic, Gynecological & obstetric) for Medical Graduate for last 22 years. The centre already trained 1060 students, most of them have chosen Sonography as their profession. Health Care also conducting 3 months Ultrasonography Training Programme on small parts.


The Pre-conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1944 (57 of 1994)

Chapter -1

PRILIMINARY Definitions - In this Act, unless the context otherwise ...


1. USG Training Programme as per MCI guide line for Medical Graduates

Contact : HEALTH CARE , 33/A Northern Avenue , Kolkata - 700030 Ph : 03325574543, 9833012081/9830054543/9830160169.

2. NOTICE dated 18/11/2024


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"Health Care" was established in the year 1986 at 33/A Northern Avenue, Kolkata-30.It started as a USG Training centre.

HEALTH CARE , 33/A Northern Avenue , Kolkata - 700030



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