The Ultrasound Journal of Health Care is published by Dr. A .K. Roy published twice a year. To get Subscription Form for the journal Click Here.
To subscribe download the subscription form from here and send filled up form along with Cheque / DD to us.
Subscription Charges :
- For 1 Yr. - Rs.300/- only for 2 Issues
- For 2 Yr. - Rs.500/- only for 4 Issues
- For 3 Yr. - Rs.600/- only for 6 Issues
Cheque or DD must be in favour of "HEALTH CARE" payable at Kolkata.
Instruction To The Contributers
Those who want to contribute in this journal please follow the instructions.
1. The paper should be original with documents.
2. The paper should be typed in double space on one side for the paper(A4 size).
3. The length of the paper should not exceed 100 lines.
4. The Editor reserves the right to reject the paper.
5. All photographs to be given in black and white.
Health Care USG Training Centre is conducting basic USG Training Programme (Abdomen, Pelvic, Gynecological & obstetric) for Medical Graduate for last 22 years. The centre already trained 1060 students, most of them have chosen Sonography as their profession. Health Care also conducting 3 months Ultrasonography Training Programme on small parts.
"Health Care" was established in the year 1986 at 33/1 Northern Avenue, Kolkata-30.It started as a USG Training centre.
HEALTH CARE , 33/1 Northern Avenue , Kolkata - 700030
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